
The right tools to connect your network

Backbone network

For the deployment of long-distance optical fibre networks, we offer the backbone network solution to our customers. For this purpose, we use the railway network and Red Eléctrica’s electricity transmission grid.

Dedicated cable

At Reintel, we provide capillarity to our customers’ networks with our dedicated cable solution. This solution allows traffic to be inserted in and extracted from their backbone network.

A network of more than 52,000 km throughout Spain

24x7 Support


Real-time monitoring

We control and monitor the status of the whole network from our own Network Operations Centre centre, fully devoted to this task 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


Technical Capacity

Our Network Operations Centre (Centro de Supervisión de Telecomunicaciones) uses state-of-the-art remote monitoring systems, managed by experienced staff with the widest know-how regarding both the networks and the optical fibre footprint used by our customers.


Problem assessment

The Network Operations Centre (Centro de Supervisión de Telecomunicaciones) uses different monitoring and diagnostics tools to deal with, identify, analyse and seek the solution to any network incident.


Agile management

Once the best solution has been identified, we efficiently manage all the actions needed to restore the service. To that end, we use the same resources used for ensuring the electricity supply service and for transporting people and goods throughout Spain.

A specialised team will help you
find the best solution