Red Eléctrica Infraestructuras de Telecomunicación (Reintel) is the subsidiary of the Redeia that, as of 1 July 2015, has been responsible for the management of the Company’s telecommunication business, an activity that previously, from 2008, had been carried out by Red Eléctrica Internacional. Reintel focuses on the commercial exploitation of dark fibre infrastructure and technical facilities connected to such infrastructure relying on an optical fibre network of more than 52,000 km. Therefore, we have the full support of a solid and solvent business group with a vast experience in the telco market since 1997.
At Reintel we manage two networks, each one with its own history and unique technical features: the unused, surplus fibre network of Red Eléctrica and, since November 20, 2014, the surplus marketable fibre network of ADIF.
These are two networks that are deployed through different infrastructures, each with different requirements and constraints, but which are being interconnected by Reintel at many points in order to offer services to our customers as if we were dealing with a single network by using the best of both. At Reintel we are working to provide our customers with a single network framework in which other networks integrate and interconnect every day.
At Reintel we are aware of how important for our customers is to have detailed information about our infrastructure and, therefore, in the Infrastructure section on this web we present both the technical features of the sites and the details of the network map displayed by province.
We invite you to discover, in the Infrastructure section on the web, detailed information about our dark fibre network (currently more than 52,000 km) and the 1,344 sites (810 on the electricity grid and 534 on the railway network) that we make available to you.
Yes. Reintel, in addition to offering its optical dark fibre network, also offers two types of sites (on the electricity grid and on the railway network) to provide customised solutions based on the technical requirements, location and type of optical fibre that interconnects them. Contact us and we will analyse your specific needs in order to offer you the best solution.
If a customer of Reintel needs a new infrastructure, we can offer points of connection and deploy new ducting installation along most of the railway network and the sites shown on our network map, as well as through many of the routes of the high voltage lines. Our boundaries are physically limited by the electricity grid or the railway network environments, where we can make available to our customers a junction box or fibre segregation point so that, from that point of connection, our clients can design their own customised network to meet their needs and specifications.
We invite you to check, on the Network map section, detailed information about our dark fibre network (currently more than 52,000 km) and the 1,344 sites (810 on the electricity grid and 534 on the railway network) that we have at your disposal.
The professionals who make up our sales department will be delighted to assist you and provide you with all the information you may need. You can contact them through the Contact form on the web, through the email address info@reintel.es or by contacting them at +34 91 6508500.
Reintel has a fully dedicated Network Operations Centre that controls and monitors the status of the whole network 24 hours a day, every day of the year. This centre uses a state-of-the-art remote monitoring system and is operated by skilled staff with a vast knowledge regarding the networks and the optical fibre footprint used by our customers.
At our customers' disposal, we have telephone number 916599914 and the email address clientes.reintel@ree.es in order to sort out any incidence that may occur.
Reintel has optical fibre cable installed through a submarine link between the town of Sagunto (Valencia) and the island of Majorca, which allows us to connect mainland Spain with the Balearic Islands, including the island of Ibiza. In Minorca, we have an internal/local fibre ring which is not connected with the rest of the islands in the archipelago.
In the Canary Islands, we do not have links between the islands but we can make available to our customers some specific links that, similarly to the Balearic Islands, are shown in our network map.
No. Although we have a submarine connection with Africa, this crosses the Strait of Gibraltar ending in Morocco, without connection to the autonomous cities of Ceuta or Melilla.
Yes. In our network map, you may see several international interconnections with France, Portugal and Morocco where we can offer optical dark fibre to our customers.
No. Reintel does not deploy infrastructure for the residential environment. It is Reintel’s customers, the authorised telecommunications operators that connect to our network, who supply this access to residential environments.
No. Reintel does not deploy infrastructure to end users. It is Reintel’s customers, the authorised telecommunications operators, who provide the referred optical fibre to these.